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"I'm impressed by how you were able to get such a good read on my style so quickly! These are all things I would have picked out to try on at a store, plus some pieces that nudged me to try something a little new - even if they didn't work out they helped me narrow down what sorts of styles I do and don't like!

Kathryn Ovenell-Carter

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Miranda Agostino

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"I almost kept everything but there were just a few aspects about some of the items that made me decide not to.

Michell Kotylak

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Maura Klotzel

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"Such a pleasant surprise to end up with not one but two new summer dresses that can easily be dressed up or down depending on footwear and accessories!

Margaret Barless

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Melissa Stroud

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"Style - 10/10. Everything was my style and I wanted it all to work! Fit - 0/10 unfortunately. Everything was a bit small, or just unflattering.

Laura Yeo

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"I love that I can try on the pueces at home and decide if I like them. Sadly this months was a no go!

Katrina Gaunce

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"Loved all the pieces… it’s like you know me! Thanks so much.

Debbie Johnstone

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Kelly Starling

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